Legend of the seeker saison 2 : cracky synopsis / résumé délirant en image - Walter 2x18 - LOTS 218

Publié le par Leila_the_pure

Comme il m'arrive parfois d'avoir des idées saugrenues et que la communauté de fans de LOTS est souvent bien délirante, je me fais des p'tits plaisirs! lol En espérant que ça vous plaise ! 
Sorry c'est en anglais, si vous avez des problèmes de compréhension, n'hésitez pas !
J'attends vos com LOL

Cracky synopsis of Walter - LOTS 218 

Richard : "OMG, Darken with a woman!! I ... I always thought he was gay!"
Cara thinking : *o.O I knew I should have accepted the deal when I got the chance!!*
Kahlan hiding behind R & thinking : "This is so unfair!I didn't get the chance to remember doing it twice with 2 #men at the same moment  while I was torn but I'm stuck with the image of Darken doing it now!*

Darken, all sweaty : * Better she thinks I'm gay than dead! & I hate to see him with the sword of lies Truth!*
Darken's toy lol : * o.O concurrency, I knew I should have put a better cleavage!*

LOTS cracky synopsis back in a short moment...

"After-shave balm : The Juicy-red Apple
Even the Mord-Sith will be at your feet !Grrrrr moments in perspective lol"

LOTS returns : What we've missed...
Darken just explained he was 17 years old & they're all realizing he has been cursed...

R thinking : *17 years old? I remember this little barn full of hay we used to go with...Great time I was sexualy active and then, what happened? Zedd!! telling me : "You think because I'm old I don't remember what it's like to get my britches in a bunch over a beautiful women?...It can never be, not with her". I've been haunted by Bunched britches, lurching loins and hot haunches since then!-_-*

Cara with a suspicious look thinking : *Don't tell me he was already able to do that at 17 years old!I would put my agiels in the fire if he proves me I'm wrong!* LOLOL
Zedd : *Oh no, I don't want to take care of a teenage boy again! As if it wasn't enough to cock block Richard and Kahlan all the time! sight*

Dead guy waiting in the Underworld : *Wait, where's Darken to propose me the Keeper's deal? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*

Zedd : "Ok my boy, don't worry, we'll send you back to the... *trying to find a ruse*...NoUndiesWorld !
& Richard, I know you're disappointed to win so easily but it's ok, we'll find a way to give him back his evilness & you'll both have a fair epic hair, hot haunches fight!" 
Darken, all intimidated : "Ok grand papa, b...but can I take her in the NoUndiesWorld too ?" :D

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